at least 38 of the 231 shootings have been recorded
Politics Opinions Local National World Business Technology Style Entertainment Washington Post Live Seriesworld reacts to athlete social justice protests Blake: Kenny Smith, Chris Webber, Jemele Hill and others react to protests sports figures Kenny Smith, Chris Webber, Jemele Hill and others discussed on Aug. 28 the impact of social justice protests across professional sports leagues spurred on by the police shooting of Jacob Blake. Figures Kenny Smith, Chris Webber, Jemele Hill and others discussed on Aug. cheap jerseys As a senior in high school, that age when you're becoming an adult but are also still a kid, Dontay Demus Jr. Began grappling with the hole left by grief. The wide receiver from Washington reported to Maryland a couple months later on Father's Day, the first one since his dad's death. cheap jerseys Aaron Rodgers exited the field on a cart, and when he returned he could bear weight on only his right knee. Bu...